Monday, February 20, 2023

Ignis in Inanis

 Ignis in Inanis

by C. Stephens

Marcellus bent over in his chair and stared at his knees. Chairs were scattered around him, with little rhyme or reason to their organization. Some were filled, and some weren’t. Everything and everyone was covered with a layer of dirt. The room was dark.

He couldn’t help but remember…

“Come on, Marce! Catch up!”

His pants were ratty–covered in dirt, torn, frayed, sewn together in patches of different clothes. One knee had cotton packed underneath it as a pad while the other didn’t.

“Ha-ha! Can’t you hit harder than that?”

“Shut up!”

Hot blood dripped off the edge of his nose, staining his pants a spotty orange. Marcellus could feel the blood crusting on his face. The wound on his forehead pulsed like a heart.

“Look, Augustus… I love you.”

“Me too, bro. Me too.”

Marcellus would get his brother back. He would.

A door creaked open.

Marcellus’s head snapped up.

Light tinged a dark, violent purple streamed into the small room where Marcellus was kept. The guard had told him that if he wanted to get his brother back, he’d wait here. Marcellus didn’t have much choice, considering that the guy had beaten him senseless with a stick.

Marcellus leaped to his feet, facing the door with fists raised. The few elves around him that had been talking fell silent, staring at the door with wide eyes. The rest hunched down in their seats, whimpering in fear.

Marcellus ignored them, eyes locked on the opening door. He was a bit warier this time, though; the last thug had taken his weapon after “teaching him a lesson in courteousness,” and Marcellus hadn’t practiced much with hand-to-hand.

However, Marcellus reminded himself as the door continued to open, he did have a secret weapon. Something no one expected from an elf on the streets.

He had noble blood… and all that entailed.

The door finally opened all the way. An elf–tall and willowy as they came and strangely handsome and beautiful all at once–stood in the doorway, framed by the colorful light and by the fast-paced music inside. Their curly brown hair was piled atop their head, spilling off the sides and down the forehead like a waterfall. Their clothes–white and loose, probably faux silk– weren’t as fancy as a noble’s but were still far better than anything Marcellus could ever hope to own. They also served a message: that even the lower-down thugs in the pecking order of Glacies et Ignis could keep themselves clean.

Literally, if not figuratively. Even a street gang should draw the line at kidnapping kids for no reason.

The elf raised an eyebrow at Marcellus’s fight-ready posture. They silently stepped to the left of the doorway and, with a bow, gestured toward the open door.

Marcellus hesitated.

The elf straightened, standing erect like a soldier at attention. Their face, sharp-lined like so many elves, was expressionless, save for the mild irritation in their eyes.

Marcellus sighed, dropping his fists and straightening. The fight had already leached out of him anyway. Eyeing the elf warily, he stepped up to the doorway–

Click here to continue reading!

Dreams Can Cost You -- Part One

 Dreams Can Cost You

Part 1

by K. Struve

We had just won the biggest championship for travel softball teams but I couldn’t even be there to celebrate it with my team. We were 4 hours from home and I was in the car on the way to the hospital after pitching the game winning strike. As soon as I let go of the ball, I felt a sharp pain through my entire arm and I ran off the field.It was killing me as we rode in the car. 

“Mom, how much longer?” The pain was starting to be unbearable and maybe it wasn’t just the pain, but knowing that I would play softball again, but may never play the same. My shoulder had been hurting the last few weeks. Ever since our overnight tournament when I pitched almost the entire time. If I wasn’t pitching I was catching and it just kept getting worse. But of course I didn’t say anything. I thought it was just soreness like it always was. 

“We’re almost there. Just a mile. It’s going to be okay.”

“But what if it isn’t?” She just sighed. 

To continue reading this great narrative, click here!

The Kingdom of Everlong

The Kingdom of Everlong

by J. Khim

A long time ago, In the gloomy depths forests full of airy whispers throwing off courses of whirly-twirly correlated wind speeds, which were located on the front frontiers of the southeast hemisphere, lived mortals who inhabited the land of Ethridge.

Ethridge was a diverse nation full of dignified mythical creatures that dwelled amongst the motherland

alongside magical influences that fulfilled the landmark since its birth. The motherland consisted of

punctured coastlines that faced grainy pebbles of sand, yet the land was divided up by different

cultures. The weather conditions were virtually conditional. It was required to have complete knowledge

of certain environmental situations that would’ve left, otherwise like fellow Everlongs, short-lived

tragedies. To the extent to knowledge, Ethridge had not been completely discovered stated in the

federal book of Everlong. You would assume that the people of its nation would have more knowledge

about their native homeland. However, the history of Ethridge is one you should remember for the rest

of your life. 

THe history of Ethridge started with a tale of gods who were frequently at war with each other. Demmula was a feisty deity who caused nothing but trouble for the upper sages. She took after her fair share of ancestral heritage from her hall of fame; her ancestors were powerful gods who dedicated their lives striving to fight. Her features could not be compared to any human being. The previous fire goddesses beheld the traits of blazing red locks that blitzed in the darkness with whom she inherited. The goddess carried fierce amber eyes that could cut lightning bolts through mountains. The insidious goddess took great pride in her looks. Demmula followed modern fashion trends created by humans. Despite being a troublemaker, Demmula carried the fashion trends to the gods of heaven. 

As an infant to the age of her teenage years, there came a time when she was influenced by a certain uncle of hers, Vex, her fiendish uncle. Uncle Vex was a ridiculously strengthened god who was feared for generations, however that was all just an act. He was a goofball inside his heart. Everytime Vex was allowed to meet her, Demmula would fall into tomfoolery around the gates of heaven. Vex favored Demmula as much as she favored him as her favorite uncle. So often, Vex was willing to spoil and teach Demmula his powerful tricks of sorcery as well as the powers of creation despite Demmula being a fire deity. Once Demmula learned more of those abilities, she was able to demonstrate to her uncle that she finally learned something. Demmula gathered her book called Everlong from the shrine of depths and began her findings. 

With the mighty hands of the goddess, she brought forth the divining tropical seasons of the land. Fruitful trees were implanted near the sandy shores that would be full of peaches and apples to harvest. Sprouts of vegetation grew into the roots of the soil. Then, a succession of freshness was brought next to the open paves that gushed forth from steep rocks that spurred water of joy trickling down at a fast pace. A vast and deep oceanic area would not be complete without sea creatures. The goddess decided this was enough for a change and moved on to the next creation. The goddess proceeded to place down a fit block of icy land nearby the tropical climate. This icy atmosphere was the complete opposite of the tropical beach. To see piles of sleet, snow, and ice gathered together for the grounding next to an array of snow mountains that any being could climb. The goddess believed that she had finished the land of ice and moved to the next. From the witch’s craft, the goddess collected the crushed bones of dust plated onto dry land to create deserts. Vex was invested in the creation of the new kingdom and knew he picked the right person. However, another god watching behind the scenes, Shibbu, known as Knight of Light was jealous of Demmula’s powers. He appeared with his suit of armor and challenged her to fight him for the strive of power. Demmula loved fighting and would often fight fiendish villains from evil realms. She agreed to accept his challenge but as time went on, duels between the two would nevertheless stop. The fair knight of light never won any of the 1,006 battles that he requested throughout the years. 

As much as the two everlasting gods spent more time together rather than rivalry, prematurely the habits of war had started to change. Even as they would foolishly bicker day and night, there was once not a sound accounted for that would change the compatibility of the two. The fair Knight of Light once twilight on a dim moonlight starry sky, he sat on the edge of a cliff pondering at the starry stars. He sensed a presence hidden behind the shadows of splendor was none other than his rival, Demmula. Shibbu was shocked that the standing unknown presence appeared to be none other than his acquaintance when he used to be purely envious during his adolescence. Shibbu knew that in this right moment, he would finally confess his feelings; and so he did. Demmula was astonished after all the centuries of being together, she accepted his feelings and they became partners. The aftermath of the get-together was absolute. Demmula and Shibbu shared the bond of everlasting love and war. Together in the eternal bond of love, Demmula and the Knight of Light watched over Ethridge. The goddess and the knight gifted the land of Ethridge the Sacred Book of Everlong. The Sacred Book of Everlong consisted of rules that would continue to keep the world in equal order. It included the powers of gods that would’ve been handed down through generations and generations. This sacred book was handed down to the first ‘being’ in the Ethridge famously named Everlong the Great.  


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The Long Walk -- Is It Worth the Read?

The Long Walk ~ is it Worth the Read?

by P. Orona

The Long Walk is a short story by the American horror writer, Stephen King, published in 1979. It’s a suspense-induced book with gore, thrill, and cruelty. For this reason, some people may avoid it; not to mention that The Long Walk was published under King’s pseudonym, Richard Bachman, meaning it didn’t have any of King’s previous works to back it up. Even with all of these challenges, the story has still gained mass popularity, but was said popularity truly deserved?

The Long Walk is arguably one of the best books to get your blood running. It takes place in Maine, following along in the mind of 16-year-old Ray Garraty, who walks a restless 450-mile marathon just to win the prize of “anything he wants for the rest of his life.” The story is incredibly straightforward and exciting, with a constant sense of wonder and worry for the next conflict. The plot is interesting and the characters, even more. Each character has their own story, style, and personality. The interactions between all of the people are surprising, exciting, and investing. Although the story is technically considered a horror book, it's more of a physical or even psychological horror than anything. It’s almost difficult to put the book down, and even if you do, you’ll know exactly what happened previously. Because the vocabulary is of a higher difficulty, you can learn plenty of interesting words and phrases to show off.

While it’s an amazing book, it also has numerous topics that veer closer to the mature side of things, so reader discretion is certainly advised. Anyone who may be skittish about firearms, violence, or sexual themes should not read this book.

Overall, whether you simply want to start reading more Stephen King or just one quick, exciting horror book, The Long Walk is a great way to start.